The Kite Runner: Chapter 1 - 5
The Kite Runner: So far, so good. I've read five chapters so far, and I really like the book. Khaled Hosseini writes in an exciting yet simple way, so it's easy to get caught up in the story. Even though I’ve come a good way, the story hasn't really started yet. Through the forty pages I’ve read, I’ve gotten to know a bit about the different characters and how their relationships towards each other are. The actual story is about to start.
The Kite Runner
Friday the 10th we got an assignment to read the book “The Kite Runner” written by Khaled Hosseini. I love to read so I think I will not only enjoy the book, but also this project. Sadly, I haven't started to read the book, but I’ll be starting later this evening. I will be posting how far I’ve come with the book and tell you guys what it’s about. I won’t reveal any major happenings of course, for those of you who want’s to read the book for them self’s.
Description of “The Kite Runner":
'Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father, so resolves to win the local kite-fighting tournament and prove that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan promises to help him - for he always helps Amir. But this is 1970s Afghanistan and Hassan is merely a low-caste servant who is jeered at in the street, although Amir feels jealous of his natural courage and the place he holds in his father's heart. Neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realizes that one day he must return, to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.'
Description of “The Kite Runner":

'Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father, so resolves to win the local kite-fighting tournament and prove that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan promises to help him - for he always helps Amir. But this is 1970s Afghanistan and Hassan is merely a low-caste servant who is jeered at in the street, although Amir feels jealous of his natural courage and the place he holds in his father's heart. Neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realizes that one day he must return, to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.'
Description taken directly from the book.
Picture taken from HERE
Picture taken from HERE
Advice to fellow students!
This blog post is a response to this article that I read in class. I’m posting this rather late, but better late than never.
In short, the article is about how students today can’t resist the temptation of being on Facebook during studying and while those students who don’t use facebook scores higher on tests. Studies by Prof Kirschner show us that 219 students in America aged from 19 to 54 scores a grade point average of 3.06 out of four when using Facebook while studying, while those who do not use the popular social network scores a grade point average of 3.82. Ergo those who don’t use Facebook have a 0.76 higher average.
Here at Sandvika High School we use our computers all the time and from personal experience I can say that it isn’t easy to not take a sneak peak on Facebook during class. I am very aware of how it affects my learning, but yet this doesn’t stop me. Though we all know Facebook distracts our learning we continue checking our news feed and responding to various notifications. I can proudly say that my Facebook use is lesser this year than the last, and I can actually see positive results on tests and tasks. So my advice to you is to pay attention in class and check Facebook during your breaks. If you really can’t wait until your breaks log on for not more than one minute and continue your class afterwards.
In short, the article is about how students today can’t resist the temptation of being on Facebook during studying and while those students who don’t use facebook scores higher on tests. Studies by Prof Kirschner show us that 219 students in America aged from 19 to 54 scores a grade point average of 3.06 out of four when using Facebook while studying, while those who do not use the popular social network scores a grade point average of 3.82. Ergo those who don’t use Facebook have a 0.76 higher average.
Here at Sandvika High School we use our computers all the time and from personal experience I can say that it isn’t easy to not take a sneak peak on Facebook during class. I am very aware of how it affects my learning, but yet this doesn’t stop me. Though we all know Facebook distracts our learning we continue checking our news feed and responding to various notifications. I can proudly say that my Facebook use is lesser this year than the last, and I can actually see positive results on tests and tasks. So my advice to you is to pay attention in class and check Facebook during your breaks. If you really can’t wait until your breaks log on for not more than one minute and continue your class afterwards.
The US vs. Britain
I have just read this text, and I have been asked to write about the differences between working in the US and in Britain, most specifically, London. One of the first things I noticed while I was reading this text was that Americans tend to be more open and outgoing then Britain’s. Though this isn't quite an unknown fact for anyone, it is still interesting to see how different people actually are. In the text she explains that no one in Britain would complain about bad service, considering this is seen as rude. While Americans do this continually, Britain’s really don’t won’t to be rude. Not that Americans are rude on purpose, but some might see it as rude since we all, not only Americans and Britain's, have different ways to "act". My opinion is that nor Americans or Britain’s are rude, neither do I believe that Britain’s are more polite and kind then Americans, or the other way around. As I wrote above, Americans are known to be open and outgoing. I think Britain’s are this as well, but maybe only with people they know. People they feel comfortable with. Perhaps they are like Norwegians? Living in their own little bubble closing their selves from the out world. Norwegians are known to be very kind and outgoing, but mostly only to people in their surroundings. Just like Britain’s.
Last year an American woman came to my school to talk about her year in Norway and the differences between Norwegians and Americans. And as she was going on and on about how wonderful Norway is, she started to tell something that was interesting to me. She told us about a time she went to a food store here in Norway. Since she didn’t know that much Norwegian by that time she needed a dictionary to help her understand what she was buying, but this didn’t help her alot since it took time to look up every word. She then thought that maybe someone would come and help her, but she was wrong – and partly shocked. You see, if she had been in America someone would’ve helped her, but Norwegians like to do things on their own and therefore they didn’t take the dictionary she was holding as a sign for help. Luckily for her she got her groceries at the end. Anyways; my point is that maybe Britain’s are a bit similar to us Norwegians.
Last year an American woman came to my school to talk about her year in Norway and the differences between Norwegians and Americans. And as she was going on and on about how wonderful Norway is, she started to tell something that was interesting to me. She told us about a time she went to a food store here in Norway. Since she didn’t know that much Norwegian by that time she needed a dictionary to help her understand what she was buying, but this didn’t help her alot since it took time to look up every word. She then thought that maybe someone would come and help her, but she was wrong – and partly shocked. You see, if she had been in America someone would’ve helped her, but Norwegians like to do things on their own and therefore they didn’t take the dictionary she was holding as a sign for help. Luckily for her she got her groceries at the end. Anyways; my point is that maybe Britain’s are a bit similar to us Norwegians.
I find choosing between working in the US and in London very difficult actually, it all depends on what you want to experience at your job. If you want to be confronted and get some feedback not only from your boss, but also from customers, I would choose the US. If you want to work in a “safety zone” I think London is a good place to work. You get to do what you’re supposed to do without negative response from customers. I find the last opportunity quite boring considering I like to learn something, whether it’s in school, at home or at work.
As they say; You can only learn from your mistakes
As they say; You can only learn from your mistakes
Picture taken from HERE
Be the change you wish to see in the world

If you haven't seen the movie and you want to see the trailer, you can watch it HERE.
Our task this week was to write about how one person can make a difference and what we think might be an important global challenge to work with in class. My take on that, is that one person can always make a difference. How or who you may affect, is unknown, but the guarantee that you will have accomplished something before death, is there. The ability you have on making an impact on someone in life, dependson the time you spend on earth. Making a difference in the world comes in all shapes and sizes. For instance: you could help with the sick or homeless. The whole thing by making a difference is helping someone. It doesn't have to cost 100$, it doesn't even have to cost 5$. The only thing you have to give up is some of your time, and as far as I know, people give up their time everyday to help someone that needs it. Like Ghandi said: Be the change you wish to see in the world.
An interesting global challenge to work with in class would be the climate change. If you want to read a bit about this challenge click HERE. Further down on their page you can also find what you can do to make a difference within the climate change problem.
Picture taken from HERE
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