
Be the change you wish to see in the world

At the end of our English class last Friday we started to watch the movie Erin Brockovich starring Julia Roberts. I had seen the movie several times before, but it’s a good classic movie so I had no problem watching it again. And even though I’ve watched this movie before, little did I know that it’s based on a true story. The movie dramatizes the story of Erin Brockovich, a single mother of three, who legally fights against the US West Coast energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company. At the beginning of the movie Erin has no money, no job and as far as she knew then, no future. At this point you don't believe that things could get worse, but in Erin's case it does. After a car accident in which Erin is not at fault, things get worse when her attorney fails to land her any kind of settlement. She therefore begs her attorney Ed Masry to hire her at his small, yet succesful law firm. Here Erin finds some medical records placed in real estate files which is where the whole movie actually begins. Ed allows her to investigate the case further and Erin discovers things that weren't supposed to be discovered. 
If you haven't seen the movie and you want to see the trailer, you can watch it HERE.

Our task this week was to write about how one person can make a difference and what we think might be an important global challenge to work with in class. My take on that, is that one person can always make a difference. How or who you may affect, is unknown, but the guarantee that you will have accomplished something before death, is there. The ability you have on making an impact on someone in life, dependson the time you spend on earth. Making a difference in the world comes in all shapes and sizes. For instance: you could help with the sick or homeless. The whole thing by making a difference is helping someone. It doesn't have to cost 100$, it doesn't even have to cost 5$. The only thing you have to give up is some of your time, and as far as I know, people give up their time everyday to help someone that needs it. Like Ghandi said: Be the change you wish to see in the world.
An interesting global challenge to work with in class would be the climate change. If you want to read a bit about this challenge click HERE. Further down on their page you can also find what you can do to make a difference within the climate change problem.

Picture taken from HERE

1 comment:

  1. I liked your article about the movie. Look forward to reading it when you finish watching it next Friday. Also like how you made reference to changing the world and what we can do. Nice link too! Let's see if we can find an interesting project to work on!
