
The Kite Runner - The end's not near, it's here (part 2)

NB: Contains spoilers

When Amir turns eighteen, he and Baba travels to Pakistan after escaping from Afghanistan. Later on they find themselves in the US where Baba works at a gas station, where he gets promoted to daily manager. Every Sunday Baba and Amir goes to a market where they sell second-hand items, and this is where Amir meets Soraya, his future wife.
After a while, Baba is diagnosed with cancer and after months of illness and a blessing from Soraya's father, Amir and Soraya get married. Baba dies a couple of weeks later.
After a few years of being happily married Amir recieves a phone call from Rahim Khan saying that there is a way to be good again, and not long after, Amir is back in Kabul. There are a lot of things that happen when Amir returns to Kabul, but the main reason he is there is to find Hassan's son, Sohrab, and take him to America where he will be safe. Amir succeeds with this and the story ends with what it all began with: for you, a thousand times over.


Picture taken from HERE

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